Let's be real for a minute
Sometimes in life we must recognise the need for balance to achieve our goals because multitasking can lead us within a hair's breadth away from failure.
This recognition will humble you into submission to exercise restraint and pause other goals for their greater good. This is what happened to me and Future Poet, and a choice had to be made.
Photo by Vladislav Babienko
Let’s be real, it was not easy and self-doubt crept in. I questioned my decisions and whys, as I grimaced watching opportunities aligned with Future Poet pass me by. But I remained steadfast.
Photo by Anna Shvets
I consistently chose faith over doubt. I chose to believe in myself and commit to my choice. In my mind, to achieve Future Poet’s mission of helping people to build a lifestyle of becoming the best version of themselves I had to be doing just that. This meant taking a hiatus from Future Poet and giving 100% focus and attention to another personal goal.
Photo by Bikram Bezbaruah
With that said and my goal completed, I now return to Future Poet having completed a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Open Degree in Business Management and Creative Writing. This was a personal goal that was achieved simply because of my love for learning and it was something I wanted.
Photo by Moni Rathnak
I am now ready to reintroduce Future Poet to the world, reconnect with loyal customers and followers and meet new ones. There are many exciting things lined up for 2025 and I hope you will be a part of the journey.
On that note let’s make the last of 2024 special and the many years ahead truly amazing.
Much Love
Celine N.
Owner/Managing Director